Home News A special committee of Parliament met for the final time to discuss...

A special committee of Parliament met for the final time to discuss three Electoral Reform Bills

A special committee of Parliament has met again for the final time to discuss three Electoral Reform Bills which could be passed in Parliament soon.

The special committee chaired by Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Vince Henderson comprises of members of Government and the opposition.

Chairman of the special committee of Parliament Dr. Vince Henderson

Dr. Henderson says Governments position is that Dominicans who are registered to vote must be given an opportunity to determine whether they should remain on the voters list.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Vince Henderson.

Opposition Senator Delbert Paris says the discussion between the Government side and the Opposition was cordial but the two sides do not agree on some matters.

Opposition Senator Delbert Paris

Minister for National Security Rayburn Blackmoore says the establishment of the special committee of Parliament is an indication that Government wants to move forward with electoral reform.

Minister for National Security, Rayburn Blackmoore